Practical work outdoors in the gardens and on the farm
A crucial part of the experience you will gain at the college is the practical work you will be able to do. All our courses have important practical elements where you will be in the garden or on the farm planting crops, tending animals or harvesting. We firmly believe that the best way to develop the theoretical knowledge you’ll get from the classroom is to come and put your hands in the soil and be part of getting things to grow.
Our College Garden is open to visitors by appointment (063) 83604. It is situated at the back of the College and has raised herb beds, polytunnel’s, pond, flower/herb gardens, tree nursery, poultry unit, orchard and bee keeping area. This gives students the opportunity of growing vegetables using modern farm machinery on a field scale. It also features a no dig area where trials are conducted on how to grow vegetables without turning the soil.
The garden is managed on a commercial basis by students (mostly second years). A range of crops are grown, from field scale potatoes, salads in the poly-tunnel, heritage apples in the newly established orchard and willow for coppicing.