Want to improve your gardening skills? Reduce the labour of cutting lawns and turn part of them into growing food instead? Make top quality compost using a simple worm bin in your back garden? Or just enjoy homemade food and tour the College Gardens?
Why not join us in learning all about the Organic way of growing and sustaining our environment.
We are taking enrolments for anyone interested in our QQI Level 5 or QQI Level 6 in Horticulture. Our QQI Level 6 has Green Cert Equivalency.
QQI Level 5 Certificate in Horticulture
This full time course runs from September to May. Students taking this course learn by taking part in the daily routine on the holding, attending lectures given by College tutors and experienced food producers, and by working with established organic growers. The modules provided to complete this certificate include: Organic Principles & Standards, Plant Science, Soil Science & Growing Media, Fruit & Vegetable Production, Plant Identification & Use, Plant Protection, Work Practice, Horticultural Mechanisation, Beekeeping, Applied Permaculture and Communications.
QQI Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Horticulture
Those who have completed the Level 5 Certificate in Horticulture progress to this full time course which runs from September to September. Learners apply the skills gained at Level 5 to take responsibility and control of the entire production process relating to an Organic Horticulture Enterprise. This involves sowing, planting, maintaining, harvesting, processing and selling organic vegetables, fruit, herbs, flowers and trees. The modules provided to complete this Certificate include: Market Gardening, Organic Crop Production, Sustainable Horticulture, Tree & Shrub Management, Supervisory Skills and Communications. Our QQI Level 6 Course has Green Cert Equivalency.
Please contact An tIonad Glas 06383604 or [email protected] for further information or application form.